Oral Hygiene Instructions (2025)

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Oral Hygiene Instructions

Oral Hygiene Routine

Oral Hygiene Instructions (1)

Importance of oral health in children, Oral hygiene is essential for good oral health, especially in children. Motivating children about the importance of oral hygiene and its benefits is a relevant aspect, since this will have effects on the future of oral health


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Oral Hygiene Instructions (2)

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Recommendations for children's oral health care

These are some suggestions that may be helpful in caring for children's oral health:

Start early

Oral Hygiene Instructions (3)

It is important to teach children about oral hygiene from an early age, even before their first teeth come in. Wiping the gums with a damp towel after feeding can be a good practice to start with.

Tooth brushing

Oral Hygiene Instructions (4)

Children should brush their teeth at least twice a day. Parents should supervise their children’s brushing to ensure that it is done correctly. Use of a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste is advised to prevent cavities.

Make it fun

Oral Hygiene Instructions (5)

Oral hygiene doesn’t have to be boring. It can be a fun time for children by singing songs about brushing teeth, telling stories about teeth, and playing interactive games about oral hygiene. To attract the attention of children, you can use colored toothpaste.

Amount of toothpaste

Oral Hygiene Instructions (6)

The amount of toothpaste goes according to age. Children under 3 years of age can use an amount the size of a grain of rice. Older children can use a pea-sized amount.

Teach Proper Technique

Oral Hygiene Instructions (7)

Children should learn to brush all areas of the mouth, including the back teeth and tongue. Parents can show children the correct technique.

Use of dental floss

Oral Hygiene Instructions (8)

Essential to remove plaque and food debris left between the teeth. Children should start using it as soon as their teeth start touching each other. Parents need to teach how to floss correctly.


Oral Hygiene Instructions (9)

Mouthwash helps fight tooth decay and halitosis in older children. Parents should make sure that the mouthwash their children use is appropriate for their age.

Oral Hygiene Instructions (10)

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Healthy eating

Oral Hygiene Instructions (11)

A healthy diet is essential for good dental health.
Sugary drinks, such as sodas and fruit juices, can be harmful to children’s dental health. These drinks can cause tooth decay and erode tooth enamel.
Parents can encourage children to eat fruits, dairy, and vegetables.

Regular visits to the dentist

Oral Hygiene Instructions (12)

Children should visit the dentist regularly to make sure their teeth are healthy and strong. It is recommended to start these visits from the time your first tooth appears, generally at six months of age.

Prevention of dental trauma

Oral Hygiene Instructions (13)

Dental trauma is common in children and can be painful. To prevent accidents, it is recommended to use mouth guards when practicing sports and physical activities.
Also, parents should prevent children from biting on hard objects and using their teeth to open objects.

Milk teeth care

Oral Hygiene Instructions (14)

Milk teeth are important for the normal development of the child in activities such as food intake. These teeth are responsible for maintaining the corresponding space so that the final dentition can grow in the corresponding place.


Where do you find information and guidance if it is required?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for children’s oral health.

Our directory of oral health professionals provides you with information on different professionals who offer support and guidance regarding children’s oral health. Consult it and locate the dental service that meets your needs

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Oral Hygiene Instructions (15)

Oral Hygiene Instructions (16)

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Oral Hygiene Instructions (17)

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Oral Hygiene Instructions (18)

Dr. Andreas

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Oral Hygiene Instructions (19)

19 Natural Antibiotics to Ward Off Any Dental Infection

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Oral Hygiene Instructions (2025)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.